I had seen a plant growing on this rock face some two weeks previously and thought that I could improve on the images taken at that time. I took my photos and was about to leave when I looked up and saw this clump of grass, illuminated by the midday sun and emerging from the shadow of the cliff. A far more interesting image than the one planned.

A warm and windy day at Hope Beach, Tasmania. The tide was very low, making for a good firm surface to walk on. I was taken with the perspective formed by the ripples in the sand and the wind blown surface. The breaking surf and the wedge shape of Betsy Island combined with the rippled beach, all seem to point to the distant Derwent Estuary to the right. I feel that the black and white conversion emphasises the visual elements and simplifies the image.

Strutting Nomads - Lincoln National Park, South Australia

Brahminy Kite - (Haliastur indus)

Construction Worker

Glass Walkers

The Marmalade Nebula

Coffee Art

Sunrise Through Fog

I went to photograph the birds but ended up with this!
Ralph's Bay - Tasmania

Morning Glory
Tasmanian blue gums - Eucalyptus globulus

A Night at the Opera

At the End of the Day

Eastern spinebill male (Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris), perched on Kangaroo paw flower.

Family Tree
Eastern Sulphur-crested cockatoos (Cacatua galerita galerita)
Sony A7M3, Sony FE 200-600mm G OSS lens. 1/1250 sec @ f/6.3, ISO 1600, Focal length 600mm

Light in the Wilderness
Sony A7M3, Sony FE 24-105mm F4 G OSS lens. 1/250 sec @ f/7.1, ISO 100, Focal length 105 mm.

Nature's Monochrome (not a black and white conversion)
Tasmanian Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike - Coracina novaehollandiae novaehollandiae
Sony A7M3, Sony FE 200-600mm G OSS lens. 1/1600 sec @ f/6.3, ISO 640, Focal length 600mm

Overexposure - Riverside
Sony A7M3, Sony FE 24-105mm F4 G OSS lens. 1/30 sec @ f/11, ISO 100, Focal length 90 mm. Exp bias 2 EV

Eastern Hooded Plover - Thinornis rubricollis rubricollis
Sony A99V, Sony 70-300 G SSM II lens. 1/5000sec @ f/6.3, ISO 640, Focal length 300mm.

Strickland Falls - Wellington Park, Tasmania
Sony A7M3, Sony FE 16-35mm F4 ZA OSS lens. 4.0 sec @ f/8, ISO 100, Focal length 26 mm

Tasmanian Wedge-tailed eagle - Aquila audax fleayi
Sony A7M3, Sony FE 200-600mm G OSS lens. 1/3200 sec @ f/6.3, ISO 400, Focal length 480mm

Star Gazing
Sony A99V, Minolta 20mm lens. 20sec @ f/2.8, ISO 1600, Focal length 20mm.

Morning Walk
Sony DSC RX100M5A 24-70 lens. 1/640 sec @ f/5.6, ISO 160, Focal length 21.79mm (59mm)

Shipping Lines
Sony DSC RX100M5A 24-70 lens. 1/800 sec @ f/4, ISO 160, Focal length 8.8mm (24mm)

Early Morning Mist
Sony A7M3, Sony FE 200-600mm G OSS lens. 1/1000 sec @ f/6.3, ISO 400, Focal length 600mm

Look and Learn - Eastern Sulphur-crested cockatoos (Cacatua galerita galerita)
Fujifilm XT2. XF 100-400 + 1.4x lens. 1/240 sec @ f/10 ISO 1600. Focal length 560mm (840mm equivalent). Hand held.

Tasmanian New Holland Honeyeater (Phylidonyris novaehollandiae canescens)
Fujifilm XT2. XF 100-400 + 1.4x lens. 1/400 sec @ f/13 ISO 800. Focal length 560mm (840mm equivalent)

Feeding time - Tasmanian Green Rosellas (Platycercus caledonicus caledonicus)
Fujifilm XT2. XF 100-400 + 1.4x lens. 1/800 sec @ f/7.2 ISO 400. Focal length 421.5mm (632mm equivalent)

Bee-ing Busy
Fujifilm XT2. XF 100-400 + 1.4x lens. 1/1000 sec @ f/8.0 ISO 2500. Focal length 560mm (840mm equivalent)

Sony DSC RX100M5A 24-70 lens. 1/1000 sec @ f/6.3, ISO 100, Focal length 8.8mm (24mm)

Striated Sunrise
Fujifilm XT1. XF 100-400 lens. 1/320 sec @ f/5.6 ISO 1600. Focal length 100mm

Water on Glass
Sony A7M3, Sony FE 90mm f2.8 Macro G OSS lens. 1/800 sec @ f/7.1, ISO 100, Focal length 90 mm

Tarn and Fagus
Sony A7M3, Sony FE 24-105mm G OSS lens. 1/640 sec @ f/8, ISO 320, Focal length 27 mm

High-voltage Mist
Sony A99V, Sony 70-400 G SSM II lens. 1/400sec @ f/8, ISO 500, Focal length 400mm.

First Mist of Autumn
Sony A99V, Sony 70-400 G SSM II lens. 1/60 sec @ f/11, ISO 100, Focal length 400mm.

Low Tide - (Caulerpa lentillifera)
Sony DSC RX100M5A 24-70 lens. 1/200 sec @ f/4, ISO 100, Focal length 8.8mm (24mm)

Mt King William 1 casts its shadow to touch Lake King William - Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park, Tasmania
Fujifilm XT2. XF 10-24 F4 R OIS lens. 1/13 sec @ f/16 ISO 200. Focal length 10mm

Hail Storm and Sunshine
Sony A7M3, Sony FE 24-105mm F/4 G OSS lens. 1/100 sec @ f/4, ISO 125, Focal length 72 mm

Australian Eurasian Coot - Fulica atra australis
Fujifilm XT2. XF 100-400 lens. 1/1100 sec @ f/5.6 ISO 200. Focal length 243.3 mm (365 mm)

Morning Mist - Seaton's Cottage - Coal River Valley, Tasmania
Sony A99V, Sony 70-400 G SSM II lens. 1/1000 sec @ f/5.6, ISO 320, Focal length 400mm.

Stone and Water
Sony DSC RX100M5A 24-70 lens. 1/25 sec @ f/8, ISO 125, Focal length 12.35mm (34mm)

Sony DSC RX100M5A 24-70 lens. 1/640 sec @ f/9, ISO 160, Focal length 12.35mm (34mm)

Monochromatic Sheep
Sony DSC RX100M5A 24-70 lens. 1/800 sec @ f/3.5, ISO 125, Focal length 19.1mm (52mm)

Morning Mist
Fujifilm XT2. XF 100-400 + 1.4x lens. 1/500 sec @ f/9.0 ISO 200. Focal length 560mm

Tasmanian Dusky Robin (Melanodryas vittata vittata)
Fujifilm XT1. XF 100-400 + 1.4x lens. 1/60 sec @ f/8.0 ISO 800. Focal length 560mm

Nothofagus gunnii - ortherwise known as Tanglefoot
Sony A7M3, Sony FE 24-105mm G OSS lens. 1/160 sec @ f/11, ISO 400, Focal length 94 mm

Storm surge at Goat Head - Storm Bay, Tasmania
Fujifilm XT2. XF 18-135 lens. 1/240 sec @ f/11. ISO 200. Focal length 93.2mm

Sunrise over Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania
Sony A7M3, Sony FE 24-105mm f4 G OSS lens. 1/320 sec @ f/14, ISO 100, Focal length 105 mm

Tasmanian Little Wattlebird (Anthochaera chrysoptera tasmanica)
Fujifilm XT2. XF 100-400 + 1.4x lens. 1/640 sec @ f/8.0 ISO 250. Focal length 560mm

An exceptionally low tide reveals a normally-submerged rock at Hope Beach, Tasmania
Sony DSC RX100M5A 24-70 lens. 1/200 sec @ f/10, ISO 125, Focal length 24 mm

Early morning light, looking towards the distant Florentine Peak - Mt Field National Park - Tasmania
Fujifilm XT2. XF 18-135 lens. 1/70 sec @ f/11. ISO 250. Focal length 20.1mm

Rain over Hobart and Mt Direction
Fujifilm XT2. XF 100-400 + 1.4x lens. 1/950 sec @ f/8.0 ISO 200. Focal length 140mm

Off-shore wind meets a heavy swell
Fujifilm XT1. XF 18-135 lens. 1/1000 sec @ f/8. ISO 200. Focal length 110mm

Morning mist beneath Butchers Hill, Coal River Valley, Tasmania
Sony A99V, Sony 70-400 G SSM II lens. 1/800 sec @ f/5.6, ISO 800, Focal length 400mm.

Frost on glass, illuminated by the rising sun.
Fujifilm XT2. XF 18-135 lens. 1/2000 sec @ f/4.7 ISO 200. Focal length 43.9mm

Scarlet Robin male (Petroica boodang)
Sony A99V, Sony 70-400 G SSM II lens. 1/800 sec @ f/6.3, ISO 500, Focal length 400mm.

Tasmanian Australian Magpie (Cracticus tibicen hypoleuca)
Sony A99V, Sony 70-400 G SSM II lens. 1/1250 sec @ f/5.6, ISO 3200, Focal length 400mm.

Veils of rain, side lit by the setting sun.
Fujifilm XT2. XF 18-135 lens. 1/170 sec @ f/5. ISO 200. Focal length 55.6mm

Here Comes the Sun
Long-billed Corellas (Cacatua tenuirostris) with a solitary Sulphur-crested cockatoo (Cacatua galerita)
Fujifilm XT1. XF 100-400 lens. 1/1000 sec @ f/5.6 ISO 800. Focal length 400 mm

Coastal Frieze - Tasmania
Fujifilm XT2. XF 18-135 lens. 1/300 sec @ f/18. ISO 200. Focal length 18mm. - Three images stitched.

Raindrops striking a glass table (a rare event in Tasmania)
Sony A99V, Sony 70-400 G SSM II lens. 1/1250 sec @ f/5.6, ISO 400, Focal length 400mm.

Tea Tree Tiers, Tasmania
Sony A99V, Sony 70-400 G SSM II lens. 1/1000 sec @ f/4.5, ISO 320, Focal length 140mm.

Tasmanian Yellow-tailed Black cockatoo. (Calyptorhynchus funereus xanthanotus)
Sony A99V, Sony 70-400 G lens. 1/1000 sec @ f/4.5, ISO 640, Focal length 120mm.

Passing squall. Hope Beach, Southern Tasmania
Sony DSC RX100M5A 24-70 lens. 1/500 sec @ f/10, ISO 125, Focal length 24mm

The Settler's Cottage - Coal Valley, Tasmania.
Sony A99V, Sony 70-400 G lens. 1/800 sec @ f/5.6, ISO 800, Focal length 400mm. Hand held.

Architectural Detail - ArtScience Museum, Singapore
Fujifilm XT1. XF 18-135 lens. 1/800 sec @ f/11. ISO 200. Focal length 18mm

Waterfall - Myrkdalen, Norway
Fujifilm XT1. XF 18-135 lens. 1 sec @ f/18. ISO 200. Focal length 18mm

Lock on Caulden canal, Staffordshire, UK.
Fujifilm XT1. XF 18-135 lens. 1/50sec @ f/10. ISO 1600. Focal length 44mm

Pastel Dawn
Fujifilm XT1. XF 18-135 lens. 1/55sec @ f/5.6. ISO 400. Focal length 49.4mm

Autumn in the Vineyard - Frogmore Creek - Coal Valley, Tasmania
Fujifilm XT1. XF 18-135 lens. 1/350 sec @ f/13. ISO 200. Focal length 52.4mm

Lion Rock - South Cape Bay, Tasmania
Fujifilm XT1. XF 18-135 lens. 1.9 sec @ f/11. ISO 200. Focal length 18 mm

Super Moon on the rise.
Sony A99V, Sony 70-400 G lens. 1/1000 sec @ f/5.6, ISO 6400, Focal length 400 mm. Hand held.

Bush-fire smoke creating a fiery sky, Coal River Valley, Tasmania
Fujifilm XT1. XF 18-135 lens. 1/80 sec @ f/5.6. ISO 400. Focal length 19 mm

Alcatraz Island from Fisherman's Wharf - San Francisco
(Spot the seals)
Fujifilm XT1. XF 18-135 lens. 1/480 sec @ f/5.6. ISO 200. Focal length 122.6 mm.

Welcome swallow (Hirundo neoxena)
Sony A99V, Sony 70-400 G lens. 1/1000 sec @ f/5.6, ISO 250, Focal length 400mm. Hand held.

Setting sun behind a cloudy sky
Sony A99V, Sony 70-400 G lens. 1/1000 sec @ f/14, ISO 100, Focal length 250mm. Hand held.

Sunrise over Freycinet Peninsula, Tasmania
Fujifilm XT1. XF 18-135 lens. 1/120 sec @ f/11. ISO 200. Focal length 19mm.

Zero degrees centigrade. Frost and sunrise, Coal River Valley, Tasmania
Sony A99V, Minolta 28-135, F4 - 4.5 lens . 1/60 sec @ f/8, ISO 125, Focal length 40mm. Hand held. (Cropped image)

Friendly Beaches, East Coast Tasmania
Fujifilm XT1, Fujinon XF 10-24 F4 R OIS WR lens, 1/40 sec at f/8, ISO 200, focal length 24mm

Moonlight and Stars
Fujifilm XT1. XF 10-24 f4 WR lens. 20 secs @ f/14. ISO 800. Focal length 15.9

Sunset over the Tea Tree tiers
Sony A99V, Sony 70-400 G lens. 1/1000 sec @ f/4, ISO 1600, Focal length 84mm. Hand held.

The Settler's Cottage - Coal Valley, Tasmania
Sony A99V, Sony 70-400 G lens. 1/2500 sec @ f/8, ISO 800, Focal length 400mm. Hand held.

Ghostly Eucalypts
Fujifilm XT1. XF 18-135 lens. 1/20 sec @ f/18. ISO 800. Focal length 38.9. Hand held

Danco Coast, Antarctic Peninsula
Fujifilm XT1. XF 18-135 lens. 1/420 sec @ f/10. ISO 200. Focal length 78.7.

Full moon over Los Lagos Region, Chile
Fujifilm XT1. XF 18-135 lens. 1/480 sec @ f/8. ISO 3200. Focal length 116.1